Carving a New Path Forward

Carving a New Path Forward

As of September 2024, my assignment at Northplace Church has changed. I’ve transitioned from Communications Director to Associate Pastor at our Garland campus, primarily overseeing the Spanish congregation. It has been a journey to get to this point, and while I would love to share more about the work we’re doing in Garland, this post is about something deeper—the steps, the time, and the patience it took to get here.

Honestly, I struggled with whether to write this. This isn’t a “look how everything worked out perfectly” post. This is me coming clean—sharing not just what I’ve done in the last ten years of ministry, but also what I didn’t do.

Like many in ministry, I was eager to jump in headfirst and do everything. And to some extent, there’s merit in that. There’s a deep sense of fulfillment in pushing forward, trusting that God will give you the strength to keep going—even through exhausting weeks. But sometimes, we justify our absence in the things that matter most by using the “God card.” We tell ourselves, It’s okay if I’m not present for my family’s most important moments—because I’m doing God’s work.

This is where I need to be honest. Your first ministry—my first ministry—has always been and will always be family. But it wasn't always true.

It’s easy to blame leadership when we feel stretched thin. It’s easy to claim “church hurt.” And while those things can be very real, I’ve had to admit something to myself: I was the one who made those choices. I was the one who said yes to the extra speaking engagements, the extra church events, the constant doing, the endless work. I was the one who, at times, walked into church without my family because the church needed me.

If this sounds like you, I urge you—pause. Take a deep breath. Reflect on the moment you are living in.

Since arriving at our current church 4 years ago, that internal impulse to jump in immediately was still there. But God made it clear—it wasn’t time. So, we waited. We worked. We trusted. And through the leadership around us, I’ve been able to grow. My family has grown. We are closer. We have healed. We laugh more, we do more, and most importantly—we worship God together.

Every season is a season of growth and learning. I hope you find yourself in one where both your personal and spiritual life are flourishing.

Soon, I’ll share more about the work we’re doing in Garland, TX, but for now, I simply ask for your prayers. The Soto family has been blessed beyond measure, and we are expectant for all that God has in store for this season.